ETH Zurich

Introduction to Mobile Health Systems Lab
The Mobile Health Systems Lab at ETH Zurich engages in various research initiatives to improve mobile health (mHealth) technologies and services. We develop personalized and efficient methods, devices and systems that can be used by anyone for health applications at the point-of-care. For example, we are researching new robust sensing approaches that can be miniaturized and embedded into wearable devices for continuous monitoring. One of our research focus is on flexible sensor fusion approaches and strategies for successful artifact removal. The wearable bioimpedance device that we have developed for the VITAL project uses movement sensors to add position and artifact intelligence to the continuous measurement process. We now research algorithms to use this clinically

Team of Mobile Health Systems Lab
Prof. Dr. Walter Karlen
Walter is an Assistant Professor for Mobile Health Systems at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zurich).
His research focuses on the development of automated and personalized medical systems that can be used at the point-of-care.
In this project, Walter coordinates all technical developments and is responsible for the study design and medical device validation. Occasionally, he also contributes to the technology development such as electronics design or firmware programming.
Elias Wicki
During his master in Robotics, Systems and Control at ETH Zurich, Elias became intrigued by embedded systems and their versatile application. He gained his first experience with embedded systems in the field of micro aerial systems. The VITAL project is Elias’ first encounter with mobile health systems. Together with the Mobile Health Systems Lab at ETH, Elias works on the mobile bioimpedance measurement device. His focus in the project is to make the bio-impedance measurements robust to movement artifacts and therewith increase the reliability of the bioimpedance device.
Abhilash Guru Dutt
Abhilash is currently pursuing his masters in biomedical engineering at TU-Delft. He had the lead in designing the electronics hardware for the wearable bioimpedance device and was writing the firmware and analysis software.
Michaela Verling
Michaela is currently doing her Masters in Health Science and Technology at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, focusing on medical technologies and public health. In this project she has been conducting the healthy volunteer testing in Zurich and is now involved in the planning and conducting the experimental study together with the local research team from OUCRU, Vietnam. Furthermore, she engages in the data management and analysis.